Origin Story
This Striped Bourbon is the product of a farmer's curiosity, attention to detail, and dogged commitment to quality. After noticing that some coffee trees produced a red cherry that had visible orange stripes along the side, the farmer segregated those cherries from the Red Bourbon trees and discovered that they tasted different.
Fast forward to today and some farmers in the Cauca region have begun dedicating areas of their farm to this naturally occurring field variant that we call Striped Bourbon. This coffee was grown on Finca Juan Martín, an experimental farm located at 2,050 masl in the Sotará region of Cauca.
The lot we selected was meticulously harvested and processed. The ripe cherries were picked only when they achieved a 20° Brix reading (a measurement of the sugar content). Then the cherries were sorted by size, pulped, and placed in a stainless steel fermentation tank. A solution of water, glucose, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast were added to the tank and allowed to ferment for 36 hours. The coffee was then washed and dried on raised beds in a greenhouse.